We are a gathering of believers with a two fold vision/purpose.
To see souls saved and delivered
And to mature and equip believers for the work of the ministry.
Pastor McQueen and Prophet Vanessa have committed themselves to the vision of the Kingdom of God being revealed in the earth with souls being saved, lives being changed, hope coming to the lost and healing to the broken. Their hearts working together as one, they have given their lives to the ministry of reconciliation for those who in need of love, who are hopeless and in need of change.
We are not just another church. We are a body of believers pursuing the heart of God, sharing the love of God and being changed in the process. Our worship, teaching and prophetic ministry have been birthed out of seasons of great trial and affliction.
At The Sanctuary we are called to share the love of God with men, women and childrenĀ all across all boundaries.
So come, join us for Sunday Morning Worship at 10:30 a.m. and come back for a bible study (Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m.) where we dig into the Word of God to find truth, life and hope!